
In the spring of 2012, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers attended a presentation on the PaveDrain® system and how it solved stormwater and parking problems for Ford Motor Company in Louisville, Kentucky.


In Oct. 2004 the Department of Defense (DoD) issued Unified Facilities Criteria on LID (UFC 3-210-10), a stormwater management strategy designed to maintain the hydrologic functions of a site & to mitigate the adverse impacts of stormwater runoff from DoD construction projects. This requires any Federal entity sponsoring development or re-development of 5,000 Sqft or more "...shall use site planning, design, construction, & maintenance strategies for the property to maintain, or restore, to the maximum extent technically feasible, the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature, rate, volume, and duration of flow. Concerns about maintenance and longevity were at the top of the list of the Corp.

After showing the durability and minimal maintenance features of the PaveDrain system, plans and specifications were put together by the Corp specifying the PaveDrain system. The project was bid in the summer of 2012 and Pinnacle Design/Build Group out of Georgia was chosen for the installation which commenced in the fall of 2014. After the base preparation was finished the installation of the PaveDrain system took 12 days (4,400 Sft per day) to complete using the mat layout provided by PaveDrain, LLC.


Gavin Henry, Project Manager for Pinnacle stated in a letter to PaveDrain “The Ft. Campbell Kentucky project was a success. The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers are very happy with the final product. I'm sure we will be getting more orders for the PaveDrain system in the near future. We also appreciate the support of Site Supply, PaveDrain and Lee Brick and Block.”

View Pinnacle Testamony Letter


Owner & Engineer: U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Distributor: Site Supply, Inc., Columbus, OH
Manufacturer: Lee Brick & Block Owensboro, KY
Installation: Pinnacle Design/Build Group, Inc.
Contractor: Cumming, GA
Application: Parking Lot Reconstruction
PaveDrain Quantity: 52,769 Square Feet